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發布時間: 2021-02-08 03:41:04

1. 心靈捕手英文觀後感200字

It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician--and yet watch helplessly while a
dropout, a janitor, scribbles down the answers to questions the professor is baffled by.

It's also heartbreaking when genius won't recognize itself, and that's the most baffling problem of all in ``Good Will Hunting,'' the smart, involving story of a working-class kid from Boston.

The film stars Matt Damon as a janitor at MIT who likes to party and hang around the old neighborhood and whose reading consists of downloading the contents of whole libraries into his photographic memory. Stellan Skarsgard (the husband in ``Breaking the Waves'') plays Lambeau, the professor, who offers a prize to any student who can solve a difficult problem. The next morning, the answer is written on a blackboard standing in the hall.

Who claims credit? None of the students does. A few days later, Lambeau catches Will Hunting (Damon) at the board and realizes he's the author--a natural mathematical genius who can intuitively see through the thorniest problems. Lambeau wants to help Will, to get him into school, maybe, or collaborate with him. But before that can take place, Will and some buddies are cruising the old neighborhood and beat up a guy. Will also hammers on the cops a little and is jailed.

He's a tough nut. He sees nothing wrong with spending his whole life hanging out with his friends, quaffing a few beers, holding down a blue-collar job. He sees romance in being an honest bricklayer, but none in being a professor of mathematics--maybe because bricklaying is work, and, for him, math isn't.

``Good Will Hunting'' is the story of how this kid's life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. One is Lambeau, who gets probation for Will with a promise that he'll find him help and counseling.

One is Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), Lambeau's college roommate, now a community college professor who has messed up his own life, but is a gifted counselor. One is Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student at Harvard, who falls in love with Will and tries to help him. And one is Chuckie (Ben Affleck), Will's friend since childhood, who tells him: ``You're sitting on a winning lottery ticket. It would be an insult to us if you're still around here in 20 years.'' True, but Will doesn't see it that way. His reluctance to embrace the opportunity at MIT is based partly on class pride (it would be betraying his buddies and the old neighborhood) and partly on old psychic wounds. And it is only through breaking through to those scars and sharing some of his own that McGuire, the counselor, is able to help him. Robin Williams gives one of his best performances as McGuire, especially in a scene where he finally gets the kid to repeat, ``It's not my fault.'' ``Good Will Hunting'' perhaps found some of its inspiration in the lives of its makers. The movie was co-written by Damon and Affleck, who grew up in Boston, who are childhood friends, and who both took youthful natural talents and used them to find success as actors. It's tempting to find parallels between their lives and the characters--and tempting, too, to watch the scenes between Damon and Driver with the knowledge that they fell in love while making the movie.

The Will Hunting character is so much in the foreground that it's easy to miss a parallel relationship: Lambeau and McGuire also are old friends who have fought because of old angers and insecurities. In a sense, by bringing the troubled counselor and the troublesome janitor together, the professor helps to heal both of them.

The film has a good ear for the way these characters might really talk.

It was directed by Gus Van Sant (``Drugstore Cowboy,'' ``To Die For''), who sometimes seems to have perfect pitch when it comes to dialogue; look at the scene where Matt and Skylar break up and say hurtful things, and see how clear he makes it that Matt is pushing her away because he doesn't think he deserves her.

The outcome of the movie is fairly predictable; so is the whole story, really. It's the indivial moments, not the payoff, that make it so effective.

``Good Will Hunting'' has been rather inexplicably compared to ``Rainman,'' although ``Rainman'' was about an autistic character who cannot and does not change, and ``Good Will Hunting'' is about a genius who can change, and grow, if he chooses to.

True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he's a smart man who knows he's smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child.

Here is a character who has four friends who love and want to help him, and he's threatened by their help because it means abandoning all of his old, sick, dysfunctional defense mechanisms.

As Louis Armstrong once said, ``There's some folks, that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em.'' This movie is about whether Will is one of those folks.

2. 《心靈捕手》的冠後感英文80字 急

Good Will Hunting is a 1997 American drama film directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who both star in the film.The film tells the story of Will Hunting, a prodigy hoodlum from South Boston who works as a janitor at MIT. Good Will Hunting was a financial success, earned several awards, and launched Damon and Affleck into prominence.希望幫到你,如滿意請採納

3. 心靈捕手英文觀後感150字左右



4. 求心靈捕手英文觀後感

It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician--and yet watch helplessly while a high school dropout, a janitor, scribbles down the answers to questions the professor is baffled by.

It's also heartbreaking when genius won't recognize itself, and that's the most baffling problem of all in `` Will Hunting,'' the smart, involving story of a working-class kid from Boston.

The film stars Matt Damon as a janitor at MIT who likes to party and hang around the old neighborhood and whose reading consists of downloading the contents of whole libraries into his photographic memory. Stellan Skarsgard (the husband in ``Breaking the Waves'') plays Lambeau, the professor, who offers a prize to any student who can solve a difficult problem. The next morning, the answer is written on a blackboard standing in the hall.

Who claims credit? None of the students does. A few days later, Lambeau catches Will Hunting (Damon) at the board and realizes he's the author--a natural mathematical genius who can intuitively see through the thorniest problems. Lambeau wants to help Will, to get him into school, maybe, or collaborate with him. But before that can take place, Will and some buddies are cruising the old neighborhood and beat up a guy. Will also hammers on the cops a little and is jailed.

He's a tough nut. He sees nothing wrong with spending his whole life hanging out with his friends, quaffing a few beers, holding down a blue-collar job. He sees romance in being an honest bricklayer, but none in being a professor of mathematics--maybe because bricklaying is work, and, for him, math isn't.

``Good Will Hunting'' is the story of how this kid's life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. One is Lambeau, who gets probation for Will with a promise that he'll find him help and counseling.

One is Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), Lambeau's college roommate, now a community college professor who has messed up his own life, but is a gifted counselor. One is Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student at Harvard, who falls in love with Will and tries to help him. And one is Chuckie (Ben Affleck), Will's friend since childhood, who tells him: ``You're sitting on a winning lottery ticket. It would be an insult to us if you're still around here in 20 years.'' True, but Will doesn't see it that way. His reluctance to embrace the opportunity at MIT is based partly on class pride (it would be betraying his buddies and the old neighborhood) and partly on old psychic wounds. And it is only through breaking through to those scars and sharing some of his own that McGuire, the counselor, is able to help him. Robin Williams gives one of his best performances as McGuire, especially in a scene where he finally gets the kid to repeat, ``It's not my fault.'' ``Good Will Hunting'' perhaps found some of its inspiration in the lives of its makers. The movie was co-written by Damon and Affleck, who grew up in Boston, who are childhood friends, and who both took youthful natural talents and used them to find success as actors. It's tempting to find parallels between their lives and the characters--and tempting, too, to watch the scenes between Damon and Driver with the knowledge that they fell in love while making the movie.

The Will Hunting character is so much in the foreground that it's easy to miss a parallel relationship: Lambeau and McGuire also are old friends who have fought because of old angers and insecurities. In a sense, by bringing the troubled counselor and the troublesome janitor together, the professor helps to heal both of them.

The film has a good ear for the way these characters might really talk.

It was directed by Gus Van Sant (``Drugstore Cowboy,'' ``To Die For''), who sometimes seems to have perfect pitch when it comes to dialogue; look at the scene where Matt and Skylar break up and say hurtful things, and see how clear he makes it that Matt is pushing her away because he doesn't think he deserves her.

The outcome of the movie is fairly predictable; so is the whole story, really. It's the indivial moments, not the payoff, that make it so effective.

``Good Will Hunting'' has been rather inexplicably compared to ``Rainman,'' although ``Rainman'' was about an autistic character who cannot and does not change, and ``Good Will Hunting'' is about a genius who can change, and grow, if he chooses to.

True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he's a smart man who knows he's smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child.

Here is a character who has four friends who love and want to help him, and he's threatened by their help because it means abandoning all of his old, sick, dysfunctional defense mechanisms.

As Louis Armstrong once said, ``There's some folks, that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em.'' This movie is about whether Will is one of those folks.

5. 心靈捕手影評英文100字

今天老師給我們留了個作文,題目是驕傲使人落後,我放學回到竭力放下書包,坐在書桌前開始想了起來,不知道該怎麼寫,我認真的想驕傲為什麼會使人落後! 媽媽看見我在發呆,走過來問我怎麼了,我說老師留了個作文題目是驕傲使人落後,不知道怎麼寫,媽媽給我講了好多故事使我知道了什麼是驕傲使人落後。我想到了我上次考試得了100分,而這次考試我得只有96分的原因,那就是驕傲的後果,總認為老師的題目太簡單,上課開小差,作業也不認真了。爸爸教育我說驕傲會使人失去上進心,看不到自已的缺點,滿足於現在,學生就是不好好學習,只有虛心才能使人進步。 聽了爸爸說過的話,我明白了牆壁上貼的條幅「驕傲使人落後,虛心使人進步」的道理,我對自己說以後要好好學習,不管做了什麼事都不能驕傲,因為驕傲會使人落後的。

6. 一篇《心靈捕手》的英文影評100詞



7. 求一篇 心靈捕手 英文影評!

八九十年代的關於少年成長的電影不少,其中最優秀的應該就是《死亡詩社》Dead Poet Society,而巧合的是羅賓·威廉姆斯也在當中扮演了改變學生命運的老師的角色。

現在回到本片,《心》片中扮演Will的馬特·達蒙在影片上映的97年還是個無名小生,但影片里他的表演無克挑剔。96年的《戰火下的勇氣》Courage Under Fire里,他為了演活一個吸毒的配角,減掉了數十磅體重,可見其敬業的精神。98年《拯救大兵雷恩》Saving Private Ryan中的雷恩同樣是個非常成功的角色,也是他演的配角中我最喜歡的。他短暫但驚人的演出給整部偉大的影片錦上添花。而令他真正成名的是99年的影片《天才雷普利》The Talented Mr. Reply,在這么一部懸念加驚悚的影片里,一個有同性戀情傾向、有可怕的模仿能力、心懷巨大野心的復雜角色被馬特詮釋的夠可以的,演技從此得到了普遍的肯定。(我看這片子的時候嚇出一身汗)
羅賓·威廉姆斯在影壇的地位是毋庸質疑的,盡管自己是以喜劇出名,可一點都不缺乏演技派的風范。他主演過的影片不計其數。八九十年代的關於少年成長的電影不少,其中最優秀的應該就是《死亡詩社》,而巧合的是羅賓·威廉姆斯也在當中扮演了改變學生命運的老師的角色。Oh captain,my captain.這句話我想看過《死亡詩社》的人決不會忘記,電影結局的那種微妙的悲壯色彩和濃烈的煽情令影片永載佳片史冊。威廉姆斯近年來正在轉型當中,如01年與阿爾·帕西諾合作的驚悚片《失眠》以及與康妮·尼爾森合作的驚悚片《一小時快照》,他在這兩部片子里的角色都有精神病,暴力傾向且都有悲慘的結局。而前者中的轉型更是得到了廣泛的稱贊。(只是那張笑臉怎麼看怎麼不嚇人……)

8. 心靈捕手的英文讀後感有么符合高中生一點的,謝謝謝謝謝

Good Will Hunting is fantastic! A story written by Matt Damon and Ben Afleck which is a little mastermind that leaves you with a large smile at the end, after the emotional roller-coaster throughout. Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is a mathematical genius and has potential that only one wishes to have, however there is real personal issues that has affected Will, stopping his own potential to be full-filled because of his life experiences growing up as a child. In more specific terms Will is like a terrified child who stays at home on his couch, so he doesn't have to go into the real world and feel the kind of hurt that has affected him before in life. Will hangs around with so called "no brainers" and his best friend Chuckie (Played by Ben Afleck) who is the type that really would lie in the middle of the road for Will we graally begin to admire this genuine loyal friendship that in the middle class world seems to be rare for some people. Great sub-plot with therapist Sean Maguire (played by Robin Williams) which is like cat and mouse with each meetings they have. Will has always called the shots and kept in control of what he wants people to no and understand about him, but Sean is finally his match, and with great dialogue this kept me locked and fascinated throughout the film as i generally wanted to no more about Will and understand him! There is love in Will's life called Skylar (played by Minne Driver) and Skylar has everything charisma, looks, intelligence and a very sweet/caring side. Will struggles throughout being able to allow himself to love Skylar and become vulnerable for a women once in his life. Good Will hunting is a film that ecates and provokes human ignorance for roughly 2 hours and definitely changes people perceptions of judging people who they truly don't understand!

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