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发布时间: 2021-02-09 19:37:24

『壹』 少年班的插曲在操场跑步


『贰』 少年班最开始的插曲是什么呢,就是他们入学时的歌曲。


『叁』 少年班电影里小提琴的插曲是什么



『肆』 电影,少年班,秦海参加舞会和红衣美女跳舞时的歌曲是什么名字


『伍』 王栎鑫在少年班里跳舞的那个歌曲是什么


『陆』 少年班江依林在丛林跳舞舞曲是什么歌曲

歌手:Maria Arredondo
Burning - Maria Arredondo
passion is sweet love makes weak
you said you cherished freedom so
you refuse to let it go
follow your fate love and hate
never fail to seize the day
but don't give yourself away
oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of
my skins still burning from your touch
oh I just can't get enough I
said I wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous oh
the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
I can't predict where it ends
if your the rock I'll crush against
trapped in a crowd the music is loud
I said I love my freedom to
now I'm not so sure I do
all eyes on you rings so true
better quit while you're ahead
now I'm not so sure I am
oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of
my skins still burning from your touch
oh I just can't get enough I
said I wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous oh
the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
I can't predict where it ends
if your the rock I'll crush against
my soul my heart
if you're near if you're far
my life my love
you can have it all oh ah
oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of
my skins still burning from your touch
oh I just can't get enough I
said I wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous oh
the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
I can't predict where it ends
if your the rock I'll crush against ooh
if your the rock I'll crush against

『柒』 《青春期》中那个女孩儿在跳舞毯上跳舞时,背景音乐叫什么名字

青春期2青春失乐园插曲-你的爱 太嚣张-谢容儿
青春期2青春失乐园音乐节韩文歌曲-I'll be back -2PM
青春期2青春失乐园片尾曲-Double Face-谢容儿

『捌』 少年班麦克和江依琳跳舞的背景音乐


『玖』 请问电影少年班中的小提琴插曲叫什么名字

电影中有好几段小提琴插曲,其中有一段巴赫小提琴无伴奏第三组曲的前奏曲令我印象深刻,不知是不是你说的那一段,搜一下 BWV1006 prelude 或 巴赫小提琴无伴奏第三组曲 前奏曲 看看是不是你想要的

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